The front seat of my Ford Fiesta while cruising vineyards in France

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Loire Valley Wine Bureau Tasting - NYC 2011

A private exhibition gallery in New York's Nolita (nothern little italy) neighborhood for the Loire Valley Wine Bureau in order to expose wines from the Loire. I'm truely excited as the Loire is my favorite wine region and in turn, one largely neglected in America.

In all, I sampled 98 items out of 181 offerings. I afforded myself the chance to try not only item from multiple distributors but items from previously unseen importers looking for representation. In all, it was a good showing and gave me the opportunity to try some new items. Aside from the usual bread and cheese board was a table of shucked Malpeque oysters, a nice palate cleanser with a bit of muscadet.

A couple hightlights were the chance to sample through the large section of wine from Vos selections which doesn't often make visits to lowly South Jersey. Another was the discovery of an excellent Vouvray Pettillant from the never seen label of Gilet. One I'm still working on to become available in New Jersey.

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