The front seat of my Ford Fiesta while cruising vineyards in France

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wines of Portugal

April 1st was the annual tasting event for Wine of Portugal put on by Vini Portugal, a trade consortium promoting Portuguese wines. The setting was Cipriani 42nd Street, a banquet facility located in a once grand bank lobby. There was an exceptional table of appetizers set up on one side. A lot of marinated seafood and quality breads. I had a quick taste of marinated squid and scallops, roast peppers and a tuna tartare shaped like a meatball, before the tasting, but didn’t have time for a re-visit.

It wasn’t too long ago that I disfavored wines from Portugal as they were often over-ripe and tasted of cooked fruit. But just as Spain has greatly modernized and improved their wine, so has Portugal. These wines are now one of my top choices for quality for value wines. The biggest challenge is the wines are made from unrecognizable grapes, but once customers try them, they sell.

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